What's new in Booknizer

[!] Important
[+] New
[*] Changes
[-] Fixed error

Version 7.2 (Build 435 released 09/19/14)

[!] Added extended filters for books and authors. Filters can be
created from search parameters.
[+] Information about all books of any selected item can be
downloaded on the "Collection" tab.
[+] On the author's page, books are sorted by book series. Books that
do not belong to any series are listed separately.
[+] Now you can save book covers, photos of authors and other images
from the program.
[+] When adding audio books and e-books from files, you can easily
select all highlighted files and folders instead of selecting each of
them manually.
[+] It is now possible to create a set of format icons that will be
displayed on the book page, depending on the format of the e-book.
[+] Added Orange user interface.
[-] Fixed renaming book series.
[-] Fixed reading some e-books in the EPUB format.
[-] Fixed saving book authors extracted from files, if downloading
information was enabled and no author was downloaded from the selected
internet source.
[-] Fixed other bugs.
More info

Version 7.1 (Build 421 from 03/17/14)

[-] Fixed some bugs.

Version 7.1 (Build 415 from 03/15/14)

[!] Added custom fields and lists for authors.
[+] Now it is possible to search for books that are not in
the collection, on the "Search" tab.
[+] When sorting by author on the "Collection" tab, books
without authors are now displayed, too.
[+] The "Add book/ Add author" window saves its size and restores
it next time you start the program.
[+] %40 is a new variable for the "Collection" tab, it allows
sorting books in the order you added them.
[*] When you open the "Add book" or "Add author" window, its focus
is automatically set to the input field.
[*] Width of arrows next to buttons on the toolbar was adjusted.
[-] Fixed downloading covers for books when adding books from files.
[-] Fixed saving your state of the "Replace descriptions/biographies
when downloading info" option.
[-] Fixed other bugs.
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Version 7.0 (Build 400 from 12/23/13)

[!] For all owners of Amazon Kindle e-readers, now Booknizer can 
automatically convert FB2 to MOBI when you copy e-books to your Kindle.
[!] FBReader, a program for reading e-books in EPUB, MOBI, FB2, can now 
be installed with Booknizer.
[!] Licensing changes. Now a single registration code works for all 
[+] Now it is possible to search for books by contents.
[+] The scrolling position is saved when you use the "Back" and 
"Forward" buttons.
[+] Size of icons on the main toolbar can be adjusted.
[+] Displaying pie charts in the statistics.
[+] Selecting several images on the Pictures tab of the Edit Info window 
to change their type or remove them.
[+] It is now possible to change order of items on the Collection tab.
[*] When you add EPUB books, all translators are now saved into the 
[*] When you start the program, all scripts are checked for updates. 
Missing scripts are downloaded.
[-] Fixed synchronization with e-book reader devices.
[-] Fixed converting some FB2 to EPUB.
[-] Fixed opening books from a custom field other than 1.
[-] Fixed other small bugs.
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Version 6.0 (Build 367 from 4/03/13)
[+] The Pause button was added.
[-] Fixed adding books from archives.
[-] Fixed adding books with downloading information from the internet.
[-] Fixed encoding issues when adding books from MOBI and DOC.
[-] Fixed other small bugs.

Version 6.0 (Build 351 from 02/06/13)

[!] Now Booknizer fully supports Unicode. You can catalog your books 
in any languages.
[+] New user interface: Breeze.
[+] Add book covers and photos of authors using Google Images.
[+] Updates for currently used scripts are checked in the background.
[+] New statistics items: books by years and by rating.
[+] It is now possible to add several images at once in the edit info 
[+] Search for books in your database using a phrase from the summary.
[+] Edit file extensions to add your e-books using the file scanner of  
[+] Today's birthdays are now displayed on the home page.
[+] A new option to quickly set the main cover / photo.
[+] Close tabs by clicking them with the middle mouse button.
[+] Open an inactive new tab by clicking a link with the middle mouse 
[+] An option to delete thumb images from the "File" menu.
[*] The date format was changed to display last added / updated books 
more precisely.
[*] Download scripts were updated to download more information.
[-] Fixed bugs.
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Version 5.1 (Build 304 from 7/27/12)

[!] Integration with e-book reader devices.
[+] An option to copy books from Booknizer to a selected folder.
[+] Support for a new e-book format, AZW.
[+] Import information from AMB 3.0.
[*] Improved adding books by ISBN.
[-] Bug fixes.
More info

Version 5.0 (Build 283 from 5/07/12)

[!] First official version.

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