Group Operations
Booknizer helps you easily organize various paper, electronic and audio books in a single catalog, discovering links between different editions of the same book, as well as between different books. After adding books to your catalog you can sort and filter them by different criteria, make selections (for example, best books, unread books, etc.) and print reports.
When adding books or editing information about them, you can set various properties. For example, specify location, format, user fields, the read property, etc. If you need to change values of these fields, you can simply go to the "Edit info" window of the book. However, what if you need to change certain fields for a number of books - for example, after reorganizing your library and moving some books from a shelf to a bookcase?
Booknizer allows changing values of certain fields for a group of books using Group operations. To enable the Group operation mode, select "Manage" - "Group operations":
To enable or disable group operations, you can also use the small toolbar under the book list:
After enabling Group operations you can select books from the list by ticking the checkboxes:
After selecting necessary books right-click the list. A context menu will be shown, allowing you to set or clear various fields for all selected books.
You can quickly select or unselect all books in the list using the additional buttons that appear on the toolbar under the book list when group operations are enabled:
A click on the "Checked box" icon will select all books in the list. A click on the empty box will clear any selection.
You can use the selected books to create reports and to work with them in the additional modules (plugins).
Group operations are also available for people.